Saturday, May 26, 2012

Update 4 from Dave

Today has been the most challenging day thus far. We looked at Tammy's incisions for the first time. Needless to say, it was a very emotional time. Tam told me, "Cancer is ugly." Cancer does cause a lot of ugliness when the results of it are viewed on one's body. The scars that it will leave on Tammy's body are ugly unless we view it through the lenses of the cross. The cross was ugly and destructive. Yet, the scars that were left by this instrument of execution are beautiful!!! Why? Because Jesus' scars mean that we have life. That is what Tammy's scars symbolize: LIFE!!! Cancer tried to make this ugly, but all I see is beauty because my wife is alive and she will continue to touch the lives of people as she always has. The big "C" (cancer) thought it would win, but as usual the BIGGER "C" we serve (Christ) is always victorious!!!



P.S. As usual, when things are challenging God always gives us a glimpse of Heaven!!!


  1. Continuing to pray for your recover. Thankful for a big "C" who will watch over you.

  2. You guys are my heroes and I love you both for the example you are to us in loving Christ and loving one another. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to see you! Rest up and take good care of yourselves!
